04 April, 2012

Amazing Gmail Dot Tricks useful to create multiple accounts like twitter

Most of us would be using Gmail for email service . Do you have a period “.” in your email address . If yes , then try logging into your account without that period and if no , then try to add a period wherever you want and then login. You will be granted access to your account.

Not understood ? Let me give you an example .
Suppose There is an email account “example@gmail.com” with password “abcd”.
Now if we login into Gmail account with email “e.xample@gmail.com” or “ex.ample@gmail.com” or“exa.mple@gmail.com” or “exam.ple@gmail.com” and so on , we will get the same mailbox of“example@gmail.com”. Isn’t that great ?
This means Gmail does not count periods.
The trick – So now we understood that any mail that comes to any of the above emails will reach at “example@gmail.com”. So this fact can be used to create different (multiple)  id’s on twitter , ibibo , etc with the same Gmail id.
We tested this with twitter and ibibo and the trick worked. With Facebook , the trick failed. But You can try on other networks and leave your comments.

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