11 May, 2012

Five Useful Mozilla Firefox Shortcuts

Today, I am going to post five useful firefox shortcuts which i use my daily life. I'm a big fan of keyboard shortcuts. As a blogger, I don't enjoy having to reach for the mouse every time I need to do something. Hence this list of five Firefox shortcuts I use all day, every day:

Alt-Left Arrow: Sends you back to the previous page you were viewing. Alt-Right Arrow, of course, takes you forward one page. 

Ctrl-F: Brings up the Find tool, which works dynamically (i.e. as you type). Then I press F3 to jump to the next instance of my search item.

Ctrl-T: Opens a new tab. Note that you can start typing a URL immediately upon doing so, as the cursor automatically appears in the Awesome Bar.

Ctrl-Tab: Switches you to the next open tab. Ctrl-Shift-Tab takes you back a tab.

No "www" prefix: Are you still typing "www" at the beginning of every Web address? Guess what: The browser doesn't need it. So the shortcut here is to just leave it off. Type TECHIFIRE.blogspot.com and see for yourself.

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